Best Dutch Book Design 2017

Two books of Jap Sam Books are awarded Best Dutch Book Design 2017!
- The Living Surface. An alternative biology book on stains by Lizan Freijsen Design Studio Renate Boere. Print Graphius. With text contributions by Ed van Hinte, Hanneke Gelderblom and Lizan Freijsen. Translation Michael Meert. Made possible with the support of Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.
- Tirzo Martha. I wonder if they'll laugh when I'm dead Design MAINSTUDIO, print Graphius, edited by Rob Perrée, idea by Tirzo Martha, with text contributions by Tirzo Martha, Kitty Zijlmans, Annie Paul, Jennifer Smit, Michele Dalmace, José Manuel Nocera Fernández, Carlos Garrido Castellano, Orlando Britto Jinorio, Jacoba Konate, Adi Martis, Rob Persée and Alex van Stipriaan. Translation Jane Hall and Michael Meert. Made possible with the support of Mondriaan Fonds, Harten Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds | Ars Antilliani.