Book launch 'Stitch Your Brain' February 4th TOLHUIS Amsterdam

Jap Sam Books and Monika Auch are pleased to invite you to the TOLHUIS in Amsterdam on February 4th for the launch of Stitch Your Brain. A unique hybrid project at the intersection of art and science by artist Monika Auch, with a stunning design by Studio Joost Grootens.
Stitch Your Brain is a long-running investigation into intelligence of the hand of artist and former doctor Monika Auch. Her questions about the relationship between the hand and creativity in making processes under the influence of digitalization grew into a 10-year international study, resulting in an extraordinary, tactile artist's book. It is a powerful plea for the positive impact of handcrafting on mental health, long-term and short-term learning, manual dexterity and mental stability. Stitch Your Brain is a dialogue between art and science. The embroidered works are intimate self-portraits, while the analysis and reflection by authors from art history, philosophy and art practice put it in a broader perspective. Contributions are by prof. R. Zwijnenberg, Dr Marieke Hendriksen, Charlotte Steels (director Gawthorpe Textiles Collection) and Mané van Veldhuizen.
To RSVP for this event send an e-mail to with RSVP as the subject.
14:00 Doors open
14:30 The afternoon will start with a welcome speech by publisher
Eleonoor Jap Sam. Monika Auch, based on the history of the project in conversation with participants and authors, Prof. Rob Zwijnenberg, Dr Marieke Hendriksen and Mané van Veldhuizen. Designer Joost Grootens talks about the design of the book. After the programme, we will celebrate the launch with drinks and the opportunity to buy the book and your own Stitch Your Brain embroidery kit.
Buiksloterweg 7,
1031 CC Amsterdam