Exhibition & book launch "OPEN-ENDED VISIONS OF POSSIBILITIES. patricia kaersenhout"

Jap Sam Books, patricia kaersenhout, designer Eva van der Schans (Inedition), and Bonnefanten are proud to announce the launch of a fundamental monograph that holds thougthful conversations, insightful contributions, and poetry exploring patricia kaersenhout's artistic practice and oeuvre over the years. Through her art, she unveils profound ideas about connection, presence, and diasporic threads.
The publication launches simultaneously with the solo exhibition Visions of Possibilities by patricia kaersenhout at Bonnefanten in Maastricht (June 10 - November 5, 2023), with an official book launch on June 23rd.
About the publication
Open-Ended Visions of Possibilities speaks to the exploration and experimentation of possibility. What is made possible by artistic practice exploring archival erasure, historical silences, and Black feminist care practices? In dreaming up a multitude of visions and perspectives, kaersenhout allows us to journey with her artistic practice over the past decades. This publication itself marks an important moment in her career by allowing the reader to oscillate between different geographies, works, and materials providing a rich and luscious sense of presence of kaersenhout's practice. Shaped by questions related to place, belonging, and the movement of African diasporas, kaersenhout goes beyond unveiling inequity and power structures, expanding our understanding of racial politics within a broader geopolitical framework. Instead of solely making visible the violent histories and structures that permeate Dutch society, she asks us to reimagine and articulate the lives, experiences, and encounters of those that have long been excluded from mainstream archives. With contributions by Barby Asante, La Vaughn Belle, Ingrid Braam, Jeannette Ehlers, Chandra Frank, Sasha Huber, Roel Hijink, Rashid Novaire, patricia kaersenhout, rolando vázquez, Gloria Wekker, and Selene Wendt.
| Printed on leftover paperstock consisting of 14 different papers, and fully loose-leafed, designed by Inedition (Eva van der Schans).

Published by Jap Sam Books i.c.w. Bonnefanten, with the support of Mondriaan Fund, Jaap Harten Fonds
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