"Rollable Ramblings. Koen Taselaar" by The Book Photographer

We are back with a beautiful photo series of one of our publications by The Book Photographer!
This time we will take a look at the award winning (Best Dutch Book Designs 2021, professional & student jury) publication Rollable Ramblings. Koen Taselaar which is the first comprehensive publication on the artist's textile work. The majority of Rollable Ramblings compromises reproductions of his tapestries, and zoom-ins on them. This visual component is complemented with essays shedding light on the works, and on the history of textile art in general, written by art critic Katalin Herzog. The book was made in collaboration with Textiellab, the professional workshop of the Textielmuseum, and published by Jap Sam Books.
All the images above by The Book Photographer
Design by Team Thursday
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