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+++The Values Had, The Object Made, The Value Had | Practice . Making . Praxis+++

+++Daniel Keith Elkin, James Stevens[eds.]+++



Graphic designer

Gabrielle Lai and Daniel Echeverri

Number of pages


Book size

20 x 26.5 cm / 7.87 x 10.43 inch




Copy editor: Khokela K. A. Daula

Release date: Spring/Summer 2020

ISSN 2589-7090 (print) ISSN 2589-7101 (online)

Published in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Environmental & Interior Design, School of Design.Published with the support of The School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Cubic Research Network.

Cubic Journal is published in conjunction with Cubic Society and the Cubic Research Network as an academic platform aimed at the dissemination of design related research. Operating from within The  Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Design, the platforms aims to draw together global scholars in order to generate, exchange and discuss contemporary questions within the pursuit of advancing knowledge through and within a number of design disciplines.


'This issue of Cubic Journal concerns making, and the value-structures connected to the premise, before and after execution. Fifteen authors and constituent research teams present their work in manifested design research here. In this work, physical, semi-physical, and transitionally physical embodiments of objects, spaces, and prototypical design conjectures are part and parcel of the researchers’ progress. Embodiment neither preempts, nor follows their work, but is essentially the substance of research itself within these manuscripts. The editors collected this work as status-taking for a broad range of creative and scholarly enterprises in several regions of the world. European, Southeast Asian, and American authors in architectural and product design fields provide perspectives on making-centric design research, across manual, digital, post-digital, and post-consumer spectra
of fabrication. But as an assemblage, these works are more than a catalogue. They prompt retrospective thought on the values held, and the value given, by these authors’ conjectural experiments in material form.' - from the introduction by the editors

As the twenty-first century moves forward, technological changes re-propose the act ofmaking, the actualization of design agency, in different contexts. New notions of craft redefine movement from desire to reality as continuous and decentralized in the assignation of value. The liquidity of the archive of things-about-to-be and things which will only ephemerally be define a new schema of what it means to makeat all and limits of this boundary ask profound questions about the value of bodily experience. Within and without technological advancements, design makingimposes demands upon design praxis in both disciplinary and professional contexts. The adjoining of the two words implies distinction from centrist practice where the immediacy of making is absent. What are the starting biases privileging this immediacy? In most cases, the value structures are indelible or internal. In practice and pedagogy, clients and young designers each wonder why design-makers insist upon expensive and time-consuming processes moving objects from desire to actualisation. In the process, designers become something between and otherfromnormative practitioners and fabricators, articulating a definition of what design-makers uniquely contribute. But theirs is a difficult path to justify. How do design-makers continue, and what do they, and the society around them, gain through their work?

Contributors to this issue include: Daniel Keith Elkin, James Stevens (editors), David Schafer, Sara Codarin, Lee Y.H. Brian, Guan Lee, Daniel Widrig, Philippe Casens, Nathalie Bruyère, Kuo Jze Yi, Eddie Chan, Fernando Bales, Elise Dechard, Daniel Echeverri.


The Values Had, The Object Made, The Value Had | Practice . Making . Praxis

Daniel Keith Elkin, James Stevens[eds.]



The Values Had, The Object Made, The Value Had | Practice . Making . Praxis

Daniel Keith Elkin, James Stevens[eds.]


Bookazines / Series / Design / Theory



Graphic designer

Gabrielle Lai and Daniel Echeverri

Number of pages


Book size

20 x 26.5 cm / 7.87 x 10.43 inch




Copy editor: Khokela K. A. Daula

Release date: Spring/Summer 2020

ISSN 2589-7090 (print) ISSN 2589-7101 (online)

Published in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Environmental & Interior Design, School of Design.Published with the support of The School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Cubic Research Network.

Cubic Journal is published in conjunction with Cubic Society and the Cubic Research Network as an academic platform aimed at the dissemination of design related research. Operating from within The  Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Design, the platforms aims to draw together global scholars in order to generate, exchange and discuss contemporary questions within the pursuit of advancing knowledge through and within a number of design disciplines.

'This issue of Cubic Journal concerns making, and the value-structures connected to the premise, before and after execution. Fifteen authors and constituent research teams present their work in manifested design research here. In this work, physical, semi-physical, and transitionally physical embodiments of objects, spaces, and prototypical design conjectures are part and parcel of the researchers’ progress. Embodiment neither preempts, nor follows their work, but is essentially the substance of research itself within these manuscripts. The editors collected this work as status-taking for a broad range of creative and scholarly enterprises in several regions of the world. European, Southeast Asian, and American authors in architectural and product design fields provide perspectives on making-centric design research, across manual, digital, post-digital, and post-consumer spectra
of fabrication. But as an assemblage, these works are more than a catalogue. They prompt retrospective thought on the values held, and the value given, by these authors’ conjectural experiments in material form.' - from the introduction by the editors

As the twenty-first century moves forward, technological changes re-propose the act ofmaking, the actualization of design agency, in different contexts. New notions of craft redefine movement from desire to reality as continuous and decentralized in the assignation of value. The liquidity of the archive of things-about-to-be and things which will only ephemerally be define a new schema of what it means to makeat all and limits of this boundary ask profound questions about the value of bodily experience. Within and without technological advancements, design makingimposes demands upon design praxis in both disciplinary and professional contexts. The adjoining of the two words implies distinction from centrist practice where the immediacy of making is absent. What are the starting biases privileging this immediacy? In most cases, the value structures are indelible or internal. In practice and pedagogy, clients and young designers each wonder why design-makers insist upon expensive and time-consuming processes moving objects from desire to actualisation. In the process, designers become something between and otherfromnormative practitioners and fabricators, articulating a definition of what design-makers uniquely contribute. But theirs is a difficult path to justify. How do design-makers continue, and what do they, and the society around them, gain through their work?

Contributors to this issue include: Daniel Keith Elkin, James Stevens (editors), David Schafer, Sara Codarin, Lee Y.H. Brian, Guan Lee, Daniel Widrig, Philippe Casens, Nathalie Bruyère, Kuo Jze Yi, Eddie Chan, Fernando Bales, Elise Dechard, Daniel Echeverri.