10.09.2020 Book launch The Walter Benjamin and Albert S. Project

On Thursday September 10, 8 pm, we celebrate the release of the new artist book The Walter Benjamin and Albert S. project by artist Maurice Bogaert.
Due to Covid19 an intimate launch is organized at Goethe Institut Amsterdam.
Dutch journalist and political scientist Bernard Hulsman will speak with Maurice Bogaert about his new book.
Concept and text: Maurice Bogaert | Text editing: Basje Boer | Translation: Jason Coburn | Design: Mainstudio / Edwin van Gelder | Editing: Eleonoor Jap Sam | Print: robstolk®.
This project was made possible by the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, Mondriaan Fund, Stichting Stokroos, Jap Sam Books, Art Agent Orange and everyone who donated through Voor de Kunst.